Friday, December 17, 2010

On Writing

I have been reading the book "On Writing" by Stephen King over the last couple of weeks. It is the first book I have ever read on the subject of writing as I have never really considered myself in too much need of advice. I have been writing in one form or another since I was a kid. My first memory of writing was copying word for word a few pages of a book called "In the Days of the Dinosaurs", by Roy Chapman Andrews. Funny enough I read in Mr. King's book that he had done something similar in his youth.

As I moved through school I always enjoyed my English classes the most. I never had any problems doing creative writing projects. After I left school I continued writing short stories but rarely completed them. One I did sort of finish was about an overbearing boss who works a certain employee literally to death. I was inspired from an incident at a job I had at the time. Though my boss was actually pretty good, one day as I was driving around I happened to see his truck pulled over to the side of the road. I thought briefly that he was watching me. Suddenly this story came to mind and I blasted it off in short order. I never did anything with it but thought it was one of the better ones I had done at the time.